Search Results for: direct air capture

Lithium: reactive?

mined lithium supply chain

…the direct cost of decarbonization, which is quantified on pages 9-10, including carbon prices, energy costs and materials costs. The second and larger re-inflation risk is the need to move…

The World’s Great Gas Fields and Their CO2

CO2 content of gas fields

…it is no longer acceptable to vent the separated CO2 into the atmosphere. Carbon capture and storage costs range from $80-130/ton while we estimate the overall CO2 intensity of natural…

Shale EOR: Container Class

Shale-EOR summary

…tabulates key statistics for using CO2 as a huff-n-puff injectant, the economic opportunities for carbon capture, but also the challenges. Pages 12-13 attempt to quantify the production upside from shale…

Energy Transition Technologies?

Energy Transition Technologies

…with less’ (electric vehicles, electrification, power-electronics, advanced materials, advanced manufacturing), switching coal to gas and LNG (50-60% lower CO2 per MWH), carbon capture and storage (CCS, blue hydrogen, CO2-EOR, CO2-to-materials)…

Chemical Looping Progress?

Chemical Looping Combustion

Chemical Looping Combustion is a next-generation technology for carbon capture, with potential to “clean up” fossil fuel power and obviate CO2 emissions. Costs and energy penalties are dramatically lower than…

LNG Ships: a new record-setter?

LNG-powered ship

…increasingly attractive as volumes per port scale past c80kTpa. Forward-thinking Majors are already investing to capture the future market. Finally, for a video of the construction vessel being constructed……

Oxycombustion: economics of zero-carbon gas?

CO2-EOR in shale

…We first looked at NET Power in a research note in 2019, exploring how next-generation combustion technologies could facilitate easier capture of CO2 (note here). However, we updated the model…

De-Carbonising Carbon?

De-Carbonising Carbon

…create value while advancing the energy transition. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Carbon capture remains an “orphan technology”, absorbing just c0.1% of global CO2. The costs and challenges of current…

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