Search Results for: direct air capture

Energy security: volcanos versus solar panels?

Volcano impacts on solar power

…Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which disrupted global air travel, was assessed at VEI=4, emitting 0.3km3 of tephra, 8km into the atmosphere. The VEI=5 eruptions in this data-file emitted an average of 3km3…

Cyanide production: the economics?

cost of producing cyanide

This data-file captures the cost of producing cyanide — hydrogen cyanide as a chemical intermediate and sodium cyanide as a crucial input to the gold-silver mining industry. Marginal costs are…

Froth flotation: the economics?

Costs of froth flotation

…differing hydrophobicity. The ores are crushed and ground, then slurried with water, then agitated in a tank, through which air bubbles are blown. More hydrophobic particles will adhere to the…

Methane slip: how much gas evades combustion?

Methane slip

…in the study actually came in “negative”. I.e., the air above the gas turbines was depleted in methane relative to the broader atmosphere, which was attributed to “partial combustion of…

NEL: green hydrogen technology review?

NEL technology review

…A hydrogen vehicle typically stores hydrogen at 700-bar, so that densities can reach 40kg/m3. By contrast air and CO2 at 700-bar reach 500 and 1,100 kg/m3. Gasoline at 1-bar is…

Diesel power generation: levelized costs?

Levelized costs of diesel power generation

…generator, switchgear, control systems, fuel supply systems, coolant and lubrication systems, a foundation, powerhouse civil works and wiring towards the connected load. In the fuel cycle, air is drawn into…

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