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Search results for: “electronic electronics”

  • Semiconductors: outlook in energy transition?

    Semiconductors: outlook in energy transition?

    Semiconductors are an energy technology. And they are transforming the future global energy complex, across AI, solar, electric vehicles, LEDs and other new energies. This short article summarizes our outlook for semiconductors in energy transition, and resultant opportunities across our work.

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  • DC-DC power converters: efficiency calculations?

    DC-DC power converters: efficiency calculations?

    DC-DC power converters are used to alter the voltage in DC circuits, such as in wind turbines, solar MPPT, batteries and digital/computing devices. This data-file is a breakdown of DC-DC power converters’ electrical efficiency, which will typically be around 95%. Losses are higher at low loads. We think there will be upside for increasingly high-quality…

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  • Supercapacitors: case studies for renewable-heavy grids?

    Supercapacitors: case studies for renewable-heavy grids?

    Supercapacitors are well suited to smoothing short-term volatility in increasingly renewables-heavy grids. Typical systems are 10kW-10MW, 1M chage-discharge cycles, 5-30 seconds storage and $30/kW costs. Expect the market to surprise to the upside, especially in combination with other power-electronics. Who benefits?

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  • Leading Companies Commercialising Heat Pumps?

    Leading Companies Commercialising Heat Pumps?

    Heat pumps can halve the CO2 intensity of residential heating. Hence we have screened for the leading companies, focusing in upon 4,000 Western-centric patents from 2017-19. The space is competitive. 7 public companies and 4 private companies stand out, with concentrated exposure to the theme.

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  • Electric vehicle charging: the economics?

    Electric vehicle charging: the economics?

    This data-file models the economics of electric vehicle chargers, by disaggregating the costs of different charger types. Economics are most favorable where they lead to incremental retail purchases and for faster chargers. Economics are least favorable around apartments, charging at work and for slower charging speeds.

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  • Power capacity of a typical home?

    Power capacity of a typical home?

    A typical home in the developed world currently has a 10kW maximum power capacity before tripping its circuit-breaker (although it varies). This could easily double in the energy transition, due to phasing back gas heating, gas cooking and the addition of home charging stations for electric vehicles.

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  • Energy intensity of fiber optic cables?

    Energy intensity of fiber optic cables?

    What is the energy intensity of fiber optic cables? Our best estimate is that moving each GB of internet traffic through the fixed network requires 40Wh/GB of energy, across 20 hops, spanning 800km and requiring an average of 0.05 Wh/GB/km. Generally, long-distance transmission is 1-2 orders of magnitude more energy efficient than short-distance.

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  • Indium producers: companies and market outlook?

    Indium producers: companies and market outlook?

    35 indium producers are screened in this data-file, as our energy transition outlook sees primary demand rising 4x from 900 tons in 2022 to over 3.5ktons in 2050, for uses in HJT solar cells and digital devices. 60% of global supply is produced by 20 Chinese companies. But five listed materials companies in Europe, Canada,…

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  • Energy transition companies?

    Energy transition companies?

    This database contains a record of every company that has ever been mentioned across Thunder Said Energy’s energy transition research, as a useful reference for TSE’s clients. The database summarizes over 3,000 mentions of 1,400 energy transition companies, their size, focus and a summary of our key conclusions, plus links to further research.

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  • Lithium ion battery volumes by chemistry and use?

    Lithium ion battery volumes by chemistry and use?

    The lithium ion battery market reached 900GWH in 2023, representing 7x growth in the past half-decade since 2018, and 20x growth in the past decade since 2013. Volumes treble again by 2030. This data-file breaks down global ithium ion battery volumes by chemistry and be end use. A remarkable shift to LFP is underway, and…

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