…as compressors, heat-exchangers, pumps, fans and blowers, storage tanks, piping, VFDs, switchgear, grid connections and engineering and construction. All of the capex ultimately goes somewhere. The economics of commercial cooling…
…overview, please see our data-file into the energy use of fiber optic cables. https://thundersaidenergy.com/downloads/energy-intensity-of-fiber-optic-cables The economics of fiber optic cables are sensitive to cable length, utilization, and especially capex costs,…
…storage spread of 30c/kWh. Across 3% of the total grid, this raises total grid costs by 1c/kWh. https://thundersaidenergy.com/downloads/battery-storage-costs-the-economics Possible but inflationary? Overall, it is possible for solar to reach 45%…
…average storage spread is calculated in the data-file, but was lower than the level we think is necessary for economic returns in our grid-scale battery models. What is helping economics…
…delivered into the gas grid, encouraged by a $6.2/mcfe subsidy program for raw biogas production, and $13/mcfe for upgraded biomethane, which supports the economics in our biogas costs models. The…
…plants increasingly being run as peakers, and rising value of peakers, due to increasing grid volatility. This is all due to the economics of gas peakers. Whereas the costs of…
…different batteries achieve, if they are charged exclusively with solar generation. Some decision-makers assume daily charging-discharging when modeling the economics of batteries, but this is shown to be much too…
…mega-trains to the global LNG market. Other regions such as the US have seen utilization rates of gas turbines rise, due to improving economics of gas, linked to the rise…
…this broad range, and actually calculate both the energy uplift and the revenue uplift from first principles, on pages 5-8. The economics of solar trackers can therefore be modeled more…
…grid-forming inverters are outlined on page 10 and a short screen of leading grid-forming inverter companies is on page 11, alongside some conclusions. $449.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart https://thundersaidenergy.com/downloads/global-electricity-by-source-by-use-by-region/ https://thundersaidenergy.com/downloads/utility-scale-solar-power-the-economics/…