Search Results for: lithium

Pumped hydro: the economics?

Pumped hydro costs

…is not dissimilar from the economics of lithium ion batteries (recent notes here and here). Inputs to the data-file include an overview of past projects and technical papers, in order…

CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

CO2 intensity of materials

…earths for wind turbines; and lithium and SiC MOSFETs for electric vehicles. Ultimately these value chains also need to decarbonize in some non-inflationary way, which is a focus in our…

Froth flotation: the economics?

Costs of froth flotation

…10GTpa). This includes substantively all of the world’s metals, from copper, to lithium, to nickel, to graphite, to iron ore, to PGMs, to Rare Earths. It also includes over 1GTpa…

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