Search Results for: pipelines

Development Concepts: how much CO2?

CO2 intensity of steel and concrete

…used in their topsides, jackets, hulls, wells, SURF and pipelines.  Included are the world’s largest FPSOs, platforms and floating structures; as well as new resources in shale, deepwater-GoM, Guyana, pre-salt…

The green hydrogen economy: a summary?

green hydrogen economy

…stress cracking in high-pressure lines). Moving hydrogen as ammonia is another option. Air Products recently sanctioned a $7bn project to produce green hydrogen in Saudi Arabia, convert it to…

Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

Vehicles energy transition research

…efficient. This is visible in the title chart. And we have modelled the economics of container ships, bulk carriers, LNG shipping, commercial aviation, mine trucks, electric railways, pipelines and other…

Pressure ratings: industrial and energy processes?

Pressures of industrial and energy processes

…to be higher. For example, moderate pressures of about 60-bar are routinely used in gas pipelines, methanol plants and in the cryogenic turbine compressors feeding cryogenic air separation plants or…

Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

Hydrogen best opportunities?

…lost in transportation: our overview into hydrogen transport is here, covering cryogenic trucks, hydrogen pipelines, pipeline blending, ammonia and toluene. Is a hydrogen truck really comparable with a diesel truck?…

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