Search Results for: semiconductors semiconductor silicon SiC

Nexwafe: PV silicon breakthrough?

Nexwafe technology review

Nexwafe technology review. Nexwafe is developing a next-generation PV silicon technology called the EpiWafer process, growing standalone silicon wafers onto mono-crystalline seed wafers, with no need to slice ingots and…

Electrical conductivity: energy transition materials?

Electrical conductivity energy transition materials

…complex, varying primarily as a function of doping. Unlike metals, intrinsic semiconductors become more conductive at higher temperatures, because additional energy helps to promote valence band electrons into conduction bands…

Sila: silicon anode battery breakthrough?

Sila silicon battery technology review

Sila Nanotechnologies was founded in Silicon Valley in 2011, to develop smaller and denser batteries, using silicon-comprising nano-particles in the battery anodes. Thus it claims to have made “the biggest…

Hillcrest: ZVS inverter breakthrough?

Hillcrest Technology Review

…up to 13% higher range than today’s inverters, especially for use in EV powertrains; but also in wind, solar, batteries and fast-chargers. It is based on SiC semiconductors. This Hillcrest…

Global polysilicon production capacity?

Global polysilicon production

Polysilicon is a highly pure, crystalline silicon material, used predominantly for photovoltaic solar, and also for ‘chips’ in the electronics industry. Global polysilicon capacity is estimated to reach 1.65MTpa in…

Ideal Power: Bi-Directional Bipolar Junction Transistors?

…junction transistors, are noted in the data-file. For helpful background into how semiconductors work, which may be useful context alongside this review, please see our overview of semiconductor physics.…

DC-DC power converters: efficiency calculations?

DC-DC power converters efficiency

…different input variables. We think value will accrue to leading semiconductor and power-electronics companies, that can improve the efficiency of electrification technologies. Recent examples include Silicon Carbide (SiC) semiconductor, Zero-Voltage…

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