Search Results for: shale

China’s Shale Challenge?

china shale production challenges

…Chinese shale gas industry. This data-file tabulates the most-cited challenges, and the solutions that are suggested to combat them. It also includes our “top ten conclusions” on Chinese shale gas….

US shale: the economics?

Detailed breakdown of US shale economics and costs

This data-model breaks down the economics of US shale, in order to calculate NPVs, IRRs and oil price break-evens of future drilling in major US basins (predominantly the Permian, but…

The cutting edge of shale technology?

shale technology technical papers

The database evaluates 950 technical papers that have been presented at shale industry conferences from 2018-2020. We have summarised each paper, categorized it by topic, by author, by basin, ‘how…

Copyright: Thunder Said Energy, 2019-2025.