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Search results for: “small scale LNG”

  • Scaling Up Renewables and Batteries

    Scaling Up Renewables and Batteries

    Renewables would cap out at 40-50% of inflexible electricity grids, based on Monte Carlo analysis of wind, solar and batteries. Beyond 50%, new renewables’ curtailment rates surpass 70%, trebling their marginal cost.ย Batteries also increase incentive prices by 5-25x. Natural gas and demand-shifting are the best backstops.

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  • Pipeline costs: moving oil, products or other liquids?

    Pipeline costs: moving oil, products or other liquids?

    Pipeline costs are modeled in this data-file. $1/bbl is needed to move oil, oil products and other liquid commodities around 500 km at Mbpd scale, and the energy requirements are around 2.1 kWh/bbl, emitting 0.8 kg/bbl of CO2. Economics of scale matter. As a rule of thumb, costs rise by 100% when volumes fall by…

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  • Carbios: plastic recycling breakthrough?

    Carbios: plastic recycling breakthrough?

    Carbios has developed an enyzmatic process to recycle 90% of PET within 10-hours, which has been described in Nature. “This highly efficient, optimized enzyme outperforms all PET hydrolases reported so far”. Economics and CO2 savings can be very exciting. But our work identifies four challenges, which were hard to re-risk.

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  • Solar trackers: efficiency improvements?

    Solar trackers: efficiency improvements?

    Trackers re-position solar panels to face the sun, as it arcs across the sky, day-by-day, season-by-season, due to the Earth’s 23.5-degree tilt. Solar tracker efficiency improvements typically range from 20-40%. Capex cost increases are c20%. Thus 40-90% of utility solar now uses trackers.

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  • CH4 context: the largest methane leaks of all time?

    CH4 context: the largest methane leaks of all time?

    Global methane emissions run to 360MTpa. 40% is agriculture, 40% is the energy industry and 20% is landfills. Within energy, over 30% of the leaks are from coal, 30% are from oil, 27% are from gas. This short note quantifies some of the largest methane leaks of all time, and provides context for the recent…

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  • Energy storage: top conclusions into batteries?

    Energy storage: top conclusions into batteries?

    Thunder Said Energy is a research firm focused on economic opportunities that can drive the energy transition. Our top ten conclusions into batteries and energy storage are summarized below, looking across all of our research.

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  • Amprius: silicon anode technology review?

    Amprius: silicon anode technology review?

    Amprius is commercializing a lithium-ion battery with a near-100% silicon anode, yielding 80% higher energy density. It can achieve 80% charge within 6-minutes. The company is listed on NYSE. We have reviewed Amprius’ silicon anode technology. The patent library is excellent, goes back to 2009 and has locked upon a specific design. This allows us…

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  • Power grids: transmission and distribution kilometers by country?

    Power grids: transmission and distribution kilometers by country?

    This data-file aggregates power transmission and distribution kilometers by country, across 30 key countries, which comprise 80% of global electricity use. In 2023, the world contains 7M circuit kilometers of power transmission lines and 110M kilometers of power distribution lines. Useful rules of thumb are in the data-file.

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  • Aker Carbon Capture: technology review?

    Aker Carbon Capture: technology review?

    Aker Carbon Capture is a public company, listed in Norway, with c120 permanent employees. It has developed novel solvents for post-combustion carbon capture, modular CCS plants (JustCatch, at 40-100kTpa, and BigCatch at >400kTpa). The company aims to secure contracts for 10MTpa of CCS by 2025. This technology review looks for a moat in the patents.

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  • MIRALON: turquoise hydrogen breakthrough?

    MIRALON: turquoise hydrogen breakthrough?

    MIRALON is an advanced material, being commercialized by Huntsman, purifying carbon nanotubes from the pyrolysis of methane and also yielding turquoise hydrogen. This data-file reviews MIRALON technology, patents, and a strong moat. Our model sees 15% IRRs if Huntsman reaches a medium-term cost target of $10/kg MIRALON and $1/kg H2.

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