Scaling Up Renewables and Batteries
This model aims to calculate the average costs and the incentive prices required to scale up renewables in a typical developed world grid, from 25% to 40%, then to 50%,…
This model aims to calculate the average costs and the incentive prices required to scale up renewables in a typical developed world grid, from 25% to 40%, then to 50%,…
…the grid, including curtailment, negative power pricing and financing difficulties. Pages 7-9 quantify and explain how much curtailment will take place in a typical grid as renewables scale from 25%…
Pipeline costs are modeled in this data-file. $1/bbl is needed to move oil, oil products and other liquid commodities around 500 km at Mbpd scale, and the energy requirements are…
…fertilization, based on technical papers. While the best studies indicate a vast opportunity, uncertainty remains high: on CO2 absorption, sequestration, scale, cost and side-effects. Unhelpfully, research has stalled due to…
CO2-EOR is the most attractive option for large-scale CO2 disposal. Unlike CCS, which costs over $70/ton, additional oil revenues can cover the costs of sequestration. And the resultant oil is…
…CO2 sequestration mechanisms. World-scale potential as a carbon sink is outlined on pages 9-10, including the possibility of decarbonizing the world. Commercialization is under way, across 30MTpa of seaweed and…
…attracted partnerships with Nestle and PepsiCo. In November-2020, Carbios produced the first clear bottles containing 100% recycled PTA from textile waste, without downcycling, at lab scale. The first full-scale plant…
…a possible solution, please see below. Another crucial theme is switchgear, which you can think of as the industrial-scale equivalent of the circuit-breakers and light switches in your…
…full-scale switch to green hydrogen in a Direct Reduced Iron + Electric Arc Furnace plant configuration. We would see costs doubling, but c85-90% of the CO2 can be removed (page…
…to scale up renewables about 5x faster, adding 1TW pa of new wind and solar capacity each year (page 2). Capex is the first bottleneck, as our scenario would require…