Search Results for: small scale LNG

Solar trackers: efficiency improvements?

solar trackers efficiency improvements

This data-file quantifies solar trackers’ efficiency improvements. Depending on location, 40-90% of new utility-scale solar plants are being fitted with ‘trackers’ in the early-2020s; constantly re-positioning panels to face the…

Amprius: silicon anode technology review?

Amprius silicon anode technology

…have been shipped, extending across 10 SKUs; and GWh-scale manufacturing started in 2021. The majority of Amprius’ patents that we reviewed were focused on overcoming degradation challenges resulting from graphite…

Aker Carbon Capture: technology review?

Aker Carbon Capture technology

…GJ/ton) and high stability; plus modular CCS plants using those solvents, such as JustCatch (40-100kTpa scale) and BigCatch (>400kTpa). The company aims to secure contracts for 10MTpa of CCS by…

MIRALON: turquoise hydrogen breakthrough?

MIRALON technology

…$10/kg. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart “When we succeed at the kiloton scale, MIRALON will be a name that everyone knows”. This comment was made on a recent Huntsman podcast,…

DAC companies: direct air capture screen?

DAC companies

…1MTpa-scale projects being progressed by 1PointFive, the consortium between Occidental and Carbon Engineering. The largest proposed project we have seen is 5MTpa. Modularity is also a growing topic amongst emerging…

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