Search Results for: small scale LNG

Redox flow batteries: costs and capex?

…spread of 20c/kWh to earn a 10% IRR on $3,000/kW of up-front capex. Longer-duration redox flow batteries start to out-compete lithium ion batteries for grid-scale storage. $599.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to…

Thermal energy storage: cost model?

…this option. In our base case, the cost of thermal energy storage requires a storage spread of 13.5 c/kWh for a 10MW-scale molten salt system to achieve a 10% IRR,…

Sugar production: the economics?

The costs of sugar production are estimated at $260/ton for a 10% IRR at a world-scale sugar refinery, in a major sugar-producing region. Higher returns are achievable at recent world…

Solar trackers: leading companies?

…is concentrated. Five companies have c70% market share, helped by features that facilitate installation, and software to optimize the operations of utility-scale solar. This data-file summarizes the leading companies in…

Oil Major Cash Flow and Operating Leverage

Oil Major Cash Flow

…comes after $3 of cost. Hence small reductions in the cost base, through technology, deliver 3x larger uplifts to free cash flow. This is why we are screening Oil companies’…

Landfill costs: by country and over time?

Landfill costs by country and over time

…landfill have effectively only ever risen. Even the small ‘decreases’ that seem to be visible on the chart below are functions of FX-fluctuations, while landfill rates did not actually fall…

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