Search Results for: small scale LNG

Costs of an LNG fuelling station

costs of constructing an LNG-fuelling station

We have tabulated the costs of constructing an LNG-fuelling station for road vehicles across 55 distinct cost-lines, based on data from a dozen sites in Europe. Total capex will average…

LNG plant footprints: compaction costs?

…have over 20,000 workers on site at any one time, which will be challenging amidst COVID. US LNG projects have been smaller, at c30-acres per MTpa, as high-quality input gas…

Small-scale wind turbines: leading companies?

Small-scale wind turbine costs

This screen compares the offerings of a dozen companies providing small-scale wind turbines, with power ratings in the range of 30kW of power, for residential energy generation. Costs range from…

Long-Term LNG Demand: technology-led?

Long-term LNG demand

This is a simple model of long-term LNG demand, extrapolating out sensible estimates in the world’s leading LNG-consuming regions. On top of this, we overlay the upside from two nascent…

Floating LNG: do the costs work?

Floating LNG

…risk is ‘uptime’. This file contains our workings; including cost-estimates across 17-categories, such as compressors, heat-exchangers, vessel-costs, et al. Costs are compared for smaller-scale and onshore plants in later tabs….

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