Search Results for: small scale LNG

Grid-scale battery costs: the economics?

Grid-scale battery costs

Grid-scale batteries are envisaged to store up excess renewable electricity and re-release it later. Grid-scale battery costs are modeled at 20c/kWh in our base case, which is the ‘storage spread’…

NuScale: small modular reactor breakthrough?

NuScale small modular reactor technology review

NuScale was founded in 2007 and is developing a small modular reactor (SMR), measuring 2.7m wide x 20m tall, weighting 700T and producing 250MWth of heat, for 77MWe of power….

CO2 intensity of natural gas value chains?

Gas industry CO2 per barrel

…as a function of eight input variables: such as production techniques, methane leakage, sour gas processing, LNG liquefaction, LNG tanker distances and pipeline distances. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Scope…

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