Search Results for: small scale LNG

Data-centers: the economics?

Financial model over 25 years for a model data-center.

…data-center industry is $250bn, across 500 large facilities, 20,000 total facilities, and around 40 GW of capacity, which likely rises by 2-5x by 2030. A 30MW mid-scale data-center, costing $10M/MW…

Cummins: diesel engine and generator technology?

…also increase the market for diesel gen-sets from 3GW pa to 7 GW pa. Hence we have been exploring companies in medium-scale commercial and industrial power generation, such as Generac….

Power distribution: the economics?

Cash flow for our financial model of a power distribution project over 30 years.

…through smaller distribution lines (4-35kV), before ultimately reaching residential, commercial and industrial customers. This data-file aims to model the costs of power distribution, across projects that average 4-35kV voltages, 10MW…

Solar generation: minute by minute volatility?

Statistical information on the generation of Darlington Point solar plant in Australia. The daily averages, and standard deviations for day-by-day changes and 5min-by-5min changes.

…Point is a 333MW-dc and 275MW-ac PV solar facility, in New South Wales, Australia, equidistant between Sydney and Adelaide, 500km inland, at -35ºS latitude. As a case study for large-scale

Coal power generation: minute-by-minute flexibility?

…a case study for the flexibility of large-scale coal generation, we have evaluated this coal plant’s output, every 5-minutes over 2023 (105,000 data-points!), using data from AEMO. Average utilization for…

US gas pipeline capex over time?

US pipeline capex spending from 1996 out to 2050. We expect spending to increase greatly, much of it from new CO2 pipelines.

…per line. However, the main gas transmission network consists of 30 x large lines each running 2,000 – 15,000 miles. GTpa scale CCS in the US could continue leaning on…

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