Search Results for: "carbon black"

Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

Hydrogen best opportunities?

…concepts, pyrolysing the methane molecule at 600-1,200◦C into H2 and carbon black. Our base case cost is $2/kg, with a $500/kg price for carbon black. But if you can realize…

Battery cathode active materials and manufacturing?

Cathode active materials

…mixed with a conductive carbon additive, most often carbon black, but also potentially graphite or carbon nanotubes, which will typically form 5% of the cathode. (6) A fluorinated polymer binder,…

Jetti Resources: copper leaching breakthrough?

Jetti resources technology review

carbon black, which raises the intriguing possibility of providing an offtake for the carbon black coming out of turquoise hydrogen plants. There are four major challenges to explore, based on…

Monolith: turquoise hydrogen breakthrough?

Monolith turquoise hydrogen

…clean hydrogen and carbon black. We like this turquoise hydrogen theme and its potentially strong economics. The company is based in Lincoln, Nebraska and has a $100M demonstration facility at…

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