Search Results for: Norway Norwegian

Sitka spruce: our top ten facts?

sitka spruce benefits

…France and Norway (although the latter now considers it invasive and is trying to phase it back). (3) Growing Conditions. Sitka spruce naturally extend from Alaska down into Northern…

LNG liquefaction technologies: an overview?

LNG liquefaction technologies

…total power rating, while a project launched by Equinor in 2022 will add a 420kV power line to supply this load from Norwegian hydro and reduce Norway’s total annual emissions…

Energy self-sufficiency by country and over time?

The percentage of energy provided by countries themselves and by imports for different countries.

…basis by dividing total primary energy production by total primary energy consumption. Leading countries include Norway (6x more energy produced than consumed), Qatar (4x), Iraq (3x), Australia (3x), Saudi Arabia…

Development Concepts: how much CO2?

CO2 intensity of steel and concrete

…Brazil and offshore Norway. Infill wells, tiebacks and FPSOs make the most efficient use of construction materials per barrel of production. Fixed leg platforms are higher, then gravity based structures,…

Northern Lights CCS: the economics?

Northern Lights CCS economics

…capturing industrial CO2, liquefying it, transporting it in ships, receiving it onshore in Norway, piping it 110km offshore, then injecting it 3,000m below the seabed. Phase 1 will likely sequester…

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