Search Results for: electrolyser electrolyzer

Nafion membranes: costs and hydrogen crossover?

…our electrolyser cost model, and the numbers can be stress-tested in this data-file. The key challenge with Nafion and other PFSA membranes in a hydrogen electrolyser is hydrogen crossover. For…

Plug power: green hydrogen breakthroughs?

Plug Power technology review

…of precious metals (especially platinum) and thinner membranes at higher temperatures, which in turn could improve output and efficiency, and thus deflate electrolyser costs (details in the data-file). Thinner-and-higher-temperature-membranes-allow-for-higher-current-density-at-electrolysers Generally…

Green hydrogen: the economics?

costs of green hydrogen production

…green, and fully powered by renewables. Our base case input assumption for the cost of a hydrogen electrolyser is around $1,000/kW. We do expect electrolyser costs to deflate. However we also…

Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

Hydrogen best opportunities?

electrolyser costs line by line and wonder whether 15-25% deflation is more realistic (note here). Alkaline electrolysers vs PEMs are contrasted here. We have recently screened NEL’s patents to explore…

NEL: green hydrogen technology review?

NEL technology review

NEL is a green hydrogen technology company, headquartered in Oslo, listed since 2014, and employing 575 people. It has manufactured 3,500 electrolyser units, going back to 1927, historically weighted to…

Renewable Energy Certificates?

Renewable energy credits challenges

… Green hydrogen: what implications? The blending of RECs with green hydrogen could become a minefield of complexity. For example, imagine a hydrogen electrolyser that is powered by a wind…

Gas turbines: operating parameters?

Gas turbine operating parameters

…turbine itself. (This multiple may be worth keeping in mind amidst debate about hydrogen electrolyser costs. Some companies have been guiding to $200-300/kWe electrolyser selling prices, and some analysts noting…

Sabatier process: synthetic natural gas costs?

Synthetic natural gas costs

…other green hydrogen electrolyser economics. Another $3/mcf of the cost is from sourcing CO2 from an amine plant, or you could source the CO2 from direct air capture. Total energy…

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