Electric trucks: what battery sizes?

Battery sizes for electric semi-trucks

…a diesel truck. However, large batteries above c8-tons in size detracts around 10% from the fuel economy of electric trucks, and may cause trucks to exceed regulatory weight limits, lowering…

Alternative truck fuels: how economic?

economics of trucking fuels

This data-file compares different trucking fuels — diesel, CNG, LNG, LPG and Hydrogen — across 35 variables. Most important are the economics, which are fully modelled, in the 2020s in…

Mine trucks: transport economics?

Mine Truck Economics

There are around 50,000 giant mining trucks in operation globally. The largest examples are around 16m long, 10m wide, 8m high, can carry around 350-450 tons and reach top speeds…

Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

Vehicles energy transition research

…niche deployments of electric trucks and hydrogen trucks. But we think the majority of long distance, inter-continental trucking will remain powered by liquid fuels, i.e., oil products. Although they may…

Maintenance costs for gas-powered trucks?

Maintenance costs for gas-powered trucks

This data-file tabulates the maintenance costs incurred by a fleet of 42x CNG-powered trucks, over 16M miles in the United States. Maintenance costs averaged 8c/mile, of which 1.6c/mile (i.e., 20%)…

Container ships versus trucks and trains

Container ship fuel efficiency

…than typical trains and 20x more efficient than typical trucks. We calculate that moving goods from overseas to the developed world’s c1bn consumers accounts for c0.5% of global CO2 emissions…

Green hydrogen trucks: delivery costs?

We have modelled the full-cycle economics of a green hydrogen value chain to decarbonize trucks. In Europe, at $6/gallon diesel prices, hydrogen trucks will be 30% more expensive in the…

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