Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

Hydrogen best opportunities?

…lost in transportation: our overview into hydrogen transport is here, covering cryogenic trucks, hydrogen pipelines, pipeline blending, ammonia and toluene. Is a hydrogen truck really comparable with a diesel truck?…

Energy storage: top conclusions into batteries?

Conclusions into batteries

…have 70-80% lower range than a diesel truck. And a battery-powered airliner has a range of c60-miles. We do not currently see battery powered trucks, ships or planes going mainstream….

Vehicles: fuel economy and energy efficiency?

Vehicle fuel economy and energy efficiency

Vehicle fuel economy and energy efficiency are quantified in this data-file, looking across different transportation types: cars, trucks, buses, hybrids, electric vehicles (EVs), hydrogen cars, planes, trains, helicopters, plus other…

Electric vehicle: battery life?

…might cover 200,000 miles (chart below). The data-file also covers other vehicles from e-scooters to mine trucks. Within each category, there is also going to be a distribution, impacting the…

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