Search Results for: hydrogen peroxide

Overview of mining equipment companies?

Overview of mining equipment companies

…autonomous drilling units can achieve 29% lower CO2 and 40% lower cost per meter of progress. Electrification and hydrogen. Many of the companies in our screen are highlighting an increasingly…

Electrasteel: renewable steel breakthrough?

Electrasteel technology review

…here). Hence the steel industry comprises 8% of global CO2 emissions. Blue steel can be made by increasing the portion of blue hydrogen blending in directly reduced iron and electric…

Cryogenic air separation: company screen?

Industrial gas companies

…wind and solar value chains, blue hydrogen and Allam Cycle oxycombustion. Decarbonization ambitions of different industrial gas companies are also noted in the data-file. Some of this is achieved through…

Industrial gas separation: swing producers?

Pressure swing adsorption

…1966. Today, tens of thousands of PSA plants purify hydrogen, biogas, polymers, nitrogen/oxygen and possibly in the future, can capture CO2? This 16-page note explores the technology, costs, challenges, companies….

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