Search Results for: hydrogen peroxide

DAC to the future?

Direct air capture

…and 500kWh/ton in the 2030s. Five opportunities excite us and warrant partial de-risking in this 19-page report. Could DAC even beat batteries and hydrogen in smoothing renewable-heavy grids? $599.00 – Purchase Checkout…

European gas: anatomy of an energy crisis?

European gas demand across residential heat, commercial heat, electricity and a dozen industries.

…long-term, as the US can produce the same materials, at lower feedstock costs, while possibly also decarbonizing at source, via blue hydrogen value chains (examples below). The…

Global PGM demand: breakdown by metal and use?

…as both oxidation and hydrogenation catalysts, conducting electricity, and adsorbing gases, such as oxygen and hydrogen. Production is complex. 55% of global mined output is from South Africa and 25%…

Round Trip Battery Efficiencies

Battery efficiencies

…of the vehicle fleet, which can achieve c3.5x uplifts in efficiency.  We see less potential in “bad batteries”, for example, backing up the grid with hydrogen, which reduces total system…

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