Search Results for: hydrogen peroxide

US shale: outlook and forecasts?

US shale production forecasts by basin

…just 20-50 additional rigs. Although recently we wonder whether the US blue hydrogen boom will absorb more gas and outcompete LNG, especially as the US Gulf Coast becomes the most…

CO2 intensity of natural gas value chains?

Gas industry CO2 per barrel

…LNG, including via CCS, blue hydrogen and nature-based CO2 removals. Download the model and you can quickly compute the CO2 intensity of natural gas, including the emissions profiles of other resources….

Carbon Costs of IMO 2020?

Carbon Costs of IMO 2020

…fuel oil into low-sulphur diesel. The drivers are an extra stage of cracking, plus higher-temperature hydrocracking and hydrotreating, which will also have the knock-on consequence of increasing hydrogen demands. Higher…

CO2 intensity of shale: breakdown by category?

CO2 emissions from Permian shale production

…total Scope 1&2 emissions. This is why there is such importance on improving gas utilization (e.g., from booming blue hydrogen value chains) and preventing methane leaks. For a comparison with…

Fuel Cell Patents: twenty years of progress?

Fuel Cell Patents

This data-file tabulates the numbers of patents filed into different types of fuel-cells, from 2000-2020, globally and in key geographies: China, Japan, Korea and the US. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to…

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