Search Results for: shipping ship

The Ascent of Small Scale LNG?

Ascent of Small Scale LNG

shipping fuels. Dedicated LNG shipping fuels capacity should rise 20x, to 4MTpa by the end of 2021; and total shipping fuels could reach 40MTpa by 2040. Exciting projects are currently…

Shell drives LNG in transport?

Shell in driving new LNG demand

…transportation, by mitigating the problem of boil-off. [restrict] What is limiting LNG in transport? LNG’s potential upside in transportation is exciting, particularly in shipping, as technologies improve and new sulphur…

LNG: top conclusions in the energy transition?

LNG in the energy transition

…is summing up the economics across the entire value chain for gas production, gas processing, pipeline transportation, LNG liquefaction, LNG shipping and LNG regasification. The best projects work at $7/mcf….

Offshore vessels: fuel consumption?

…semi-subs. Elsewhere in our shipping research, we see the typical fuel consumption of a large container ship at 1400bpd, a bulk tanker at 420bpd and a LNG carrier at 270bpd….

The Ascent of LNG?

LNG demand the bull case

…LNG demand. Upside in Shipping? The second opportunity is in LNG as a shipping fuel, which will become increasingly economical after IMO 2020 sulphur regulations re-shape the marine sector. The…

LNG liquefaction: the economics?

LNG Project Economics

…price, Capex/tpa, Opex/mcf, Utilization, Thermal Efficiency, LNG shipping distance, LNG tanker rates, and liquids cuts. LNG project capex is modeled in detail, built up across 5 x 10 categories, averaging…

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