Container freight: shipping economics?

Economics of container shipping

This data-file models the total costs of shipping a container c10,000 nautical miles from China to the West. Specifically, we calculate what freight rate is required to earn a 10%…

Global shipping and the switch from fuel oil?

Overview of LNG in Shipping

The 240MTpa shipping-fuels market will be disrupted from 2020, under IMO sulphur regulations. Hence, this data-file breaks down the world’s 100,000-vessel shipping fleet into 13 distinct categories. Fuel consumption is…

LNG shipping: company screen?

LNG shipping companies

…such as MEGI (Man) and X-DF (WinGD), yielding AER CO2 intensities below 5 grams of CO2 per dwt-mile. Conversely, older vessels and steam vessels can have AER CO2 intensities above…

LNG as a Shipping Fuel: the Economics

LNG as a Shipping Fuel

This model provides line-by-line cost estimates for LNG as a shipping fuel, compared against diesel. We used industry data and academic studies to estimate the all-in costs for (a) trucking…

Offshore Capex for Technology Leaders?

offshore capex for technology leaders

Technology leadership determines offshore capex. Specifically, this data-file measures a -88% correlation coefficient between different Major’s offshore patent filings in 2018 and their projects’ capex costs. $199.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to…

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