Energy Recovery Inc: pressure exchanger technology?

pressure exchanger

…historically. However new markets are emerging, from cryogenic cycles through to applications focused on shale (although the latter requires avoiding the corrosive impacts of sand and debris in fluid streams)….

Oxycombustion: economics of zero-carbon gas?

CO2-EOR in shale

…grid research. We estimate CO2 intensities of 0.04-0.08 kg/kWh for oxycombustion, including the embedded CO2 of cryogenic oxygen production. Competition? It is also under-appreciated that the utilization rates of developed…

Carbon capture and storage: research conclusions?

…20% oxygen fraction from air in a cryogenic air separation unit average $100/ton using 300kWh/ton of electricity (model here). If you have a concentrated CO2 stream (e.g., 10-40%) then cryogenics…

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