LNG in transport: scaling up by scaling down?

LNG as transport fuel

Next-generation technology in small-scale LNG has potential to reshape the global shipping-fuels industry. Especially after IMO 2020 sulphur regulations, LNG should compete with diesel. This note outlines the technologies, economics…

Greenfield LNG: Does Exxon have an edge?

For large-scale capital projects in a commodity industry, harnessing better technologies tends to unlock better returns. Hence this 7-page note evaluates ExxonMobil’s technology for constructing greenfield LNG plants, particularly in…

Small-scale wind turbines: leading companies?

Small-scale wind turbine costs

This screen compares the offerings of a dozen companies providing small-scale wind turbines, with power ratings in the range of 30kW of power, for residential energy generation. Costs range from…

Costs of an LNG fuelling station

costs of constructing an LNG-fuelling station

We have tabulated the costs of constructing an LNG-fuelling station for road vehicles across 55 distinct cost-lines, based on data from a dozen sites in Europe. Total capex will average…

LNG plant footprints: compaction costs?

…have over 20,000 workers on site at any one time, which will be challenging amidst COVID. US LNG projects have been smaller, at c30-acres per MTpa, as high-quality input gas…

Long-Term LNG Demand: technology-led?

Long-term LNG demand

This is a simple model of long-term LNG demand, extrapolating out sensible estimates in the world’s leading LNG-consuming regions. On top of this, we overlay the upside from two nascent…

Floating LNG: do the costs work?

Floating LNG

…risk is ‘uptime’. This file contains our workings; including cost-estimates across 17-categories, such as compressors, heat-exchangers, vessel-costs, et al. Costs are compared for smaller-scale and onshore plants in later tabs….

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