Very long term historical commodity prices and disruptions?

…note linked here. Agricultural commodities followed the pattern of deflating in the 19th century, followed by sharp rises since the inflationary shocks of the 1970s. Generally, wheat prices and…

Combined heat and power: the economics?

IRR economics of combined heat and power $

…the grid, due to high efficiency capturing and using exhaust heat in CHPs. Economic sensitivities can be stress-tested, including to power prices, gas prices, thermal efficiencies and system sizes (examples…

Costs of CCS with the amine process?

capturing CO2 with the Amine process

This data-file models the costs of amine process CCS , capturing post-combustion CO2 from exhaust gases using the amines, in order to calculate what CO2 price is necessary to earn…

Deep blue: cracking the code of carbon capture?

blue hydrogen carbon capture

…its saviour. Crucial economies of scale are guaranteed by deploying both technologies together. The combination is a dream scenario for gas producers. This 22-page note outlines the opportunity and costs….

Methanol production: the economics?

Costs of grey blue and green methanol

gas reforming, blue methanol from blue hydrogen and industrially captured CO2, green methanol from green hydrogen and direct air capture CO2, and finally bio-methanol. Inputs are taken from a wide…

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