Energy economics: an overview?

…the data-file, across our models of Air Separation, Cables, Comminution, Compressors, Electric Motors, Electrowinning, Fans, Flotation, Gas Dehydration, Harmonic Filters, Heat Exchangers, Inverters, Motor Drivers, Pumps, Rankine Engines, Tanks and…

LanzaTech: biofuels breakthrough?

Lanzatech biofuels

…with Shell and BA, and is now progressing larger projects: a €150M exhaust-gas capture for AccelorMittal’s Ghent steel plant, and a 10MGal/year aviation fuel facility in Georgia. We have assessed…

Power grids: hell is a hot, still summer’s day?

Power outages during heatwaves

…devastating blackouts during summer heatwaves, as power demand doubles exactly when wind, solar, gas, transmission losses and disruptions all deteriorate. This 15-page note assesses the causes, implications and mitigation opportunities….

Solar power: decommissioning costs?

Solar power decommissioning costs

…$249.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart This is better than nuclear, offshore wind and coal decommissioning costs, but worse than natural gas (data are shown in the file). What might help…

End game: options to cure energy shortages?

options to cure energy shortages

This 13-page note considers five options to cure emerging energy shortages in the gas and power sectors of countries working hard to decarbonize. Unfortunately, the options are mostly absurd. They…

Is the world investing enough in energy?

Global energy investment in 2020-21

Global energy investment in 2020-21 has been running 10% below the level needed on our roadmap to net zero. Under-investment is steepest for solar, wind and gas. Under-appreciated is that…

Steel production: costs and energy economics?

Economics steel production blast furnace

…dozen input variables, such as capex, opex, iron ore prices, coke prices, coal prices, gas prices, electricity prices, limestone prices, labor rates and tax regimes. The economics of blast furnaces…

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