Solid oxide fuel cells: what challenges?

Solid oxide fuel cells technical challenges from patents

This data-file reviews fifty patents into solid oxide fuel cells, filed by leading companies in the space in 2020, in order to understand the key challenges the industry is striving…

Methanol: the next hydrogen?

Methanol as a clean transportation fuel

Methanol is becoming more exciting than hydrogen as a clean fuel to help decarbonize transport. Specifically, blue methanol and bio-methanol are 65-75% less CO2-intensive than oil products, while they can…

Industrial heat: the myth of electrify everything?

Electrification of industrial heat

“Electrify everything then decarbonize electricity”. This mantra is popular, but dangerously incorrect for industrial heating. It raises output costs by 10-110% without any material CO2 savings. This 19-page note presents…

LNG liquefaction: what challenges and opportunities?

Technical challenges for LNG liquefaction

This data-file tracks patent progress into LNG liquefaction plants from 2020, by reviewing forty recent patent filings from leading companies in the industry (integrated oil companies and service providers). We…

LNG in the energy transition: rewriting history?

Outlook for LNG in the energy transition

A vast new up-cycle for LNG is in the offing, to meet energy transition goals, by displacing coal and improving industrial efficiency. 2024-25 LNG markets could by 100MTpa under-supplied, taking…

Heat pumps: a screen of providers and reviews?

Heat pumps screen of companies

This data-file tabulates our subjective opinions on c20 different heat pump companies, and our own preferences to use their heat pump on a future European residential heating project. Factors we…

Aspen Aerogels: insulation breakthrough?

Aspen aerogels technology challenges

Aspen Aerogels was founded in 2001 and went public in 2014, manufacturing aerogels at a plant in Rhode Island, with c300 employees, $100M revenues (in 2020) and an installed base…

Marcellus shale: well by well production database?

Marcellus well productivity data

Marcellus well productivity data. This large data-file tracks productivity, well-by-well, across c11,000 wells in the Pennsylvania Marcellus, month-by-month, from 2015-2021. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart For each operator, we have…

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