Search Results for: fertilizer ammonia

Nitric acid: production costs?

Nitric acid production costs

Global production of nitric acid is 60MTpa, in a $25bn pa market, spanning c500 production facilities. c80% of the world’s nitric acid is used to make ammonium nitrate, for fertilizers…

Energy economics: energy content of combustion fuels?

Energy content of combustion fuels

The purpose of this data-file is to disaggregate the energy content of combustion fuels, including natural gas, different oil products, NGLs, coal, hydrogen, methanol, ammonia et al. $299.00 – Purchase Checkout Added…

Phosphoric acid production costs?

Economic model for a phosphoric acid plant.

…is used in the fertilizer industry, often in the form of ammonium phosphate, for which 40-50% concentrations are sufficient. High-grade phosphoric acid is also used in the food and electronics…

CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

CO2 intensity of materials

…the data-file. We have estimated separately the CO2 intensity of different wood fuels, crop production, how it varies with fertilizer application, palm oil. All of our biofuels research is here….

CO2 offsets: Pachama’s AI platform?

Pachama CO2 offset review

…of the entire global fertilizer industry per our CO2 breakdown. This raises some question marks. It gets a bit philosophical, but in our view, carbon “offsetting” should be about cancelling…

Our Top Ten Research Notes of 2020

top research notes of 2020

…offset another 3-15GTpa of CO2. With a $30/ton CO2 price, mid-Western farmers could make more money farming carbon than corn. The theme would also disrupt the global fertilizer industry.…

Biogas: the economics?

…and the value of residual digestate, which can be used as fertilizer or bedding in agriculture. Our base case biogas cost model sees a 10% IRR from a combination of…

European gas: anatomy of an energy crisis?

European gas demand across residential heat, commercial heat, electricity and a dozen industries.

…long-term, as the US can produce the same materials, at lower feedstock costs, while possibly also decarbonizing at source, via blue hydrogen value chains (examples below). The…

Polyurethane: production costs?

…chains, naphtha cracking, air separation, hydrogen production, chemical separations, CO2 separation, ammonia synthesis, nitric acid, methanol, formaldehyde, chlor-alkali, acetylene et al. Can you use green hydrogen to decarbonize polyurethane? Substituting…

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