Search Results for: fertilizer ammonia

Ammonia: production costs and energy economics?

Ammonia production costs

…emerging to decarbonize ammonia. Blue ammonia. There is a growing opportunity in blue ammonia, which reduces total CO2 intensity by approximately 80% across the entire value chain. We have compiled…

Air Products: ammonia cracking technology?

…of the hydrogen->ammonia->hydrogen value chain that has seemed most challenging to us is in cracking ammonia back into hydrogen. The key challenges for ammonia cracking are energy intensity, costs, longevity…

Blue ammonia projects: a screen?

Blue ammonia projects

…we see the best opportunities for blue ammonia (note here), across fertilizers, feedstocks and fuels. The report draws on this screen of blue ammonia projects. The history is that ten…

Screen of Large Public Fertilizer Companies

public fertilizer companies

This data-file screens the large, listed fertilizer companies, comparing their CO2 intensity, ROACE, cash flow and recent patent filings. The industry could be disrupted by the rise of conservation agriculture,…

Transporting green hydrogen as ammonia or toluene?

Transporting green hydrogen as ammonia or toluene

This data-file models the costs of converting green hydrogen into ammonia, transporting the ammonia in an LPG tanker, then converting the ammonia back into hydrogen through ammonia cracking. $799.00 – Purchase Checkout…

Blue ammonia: options strategy?

Blue ammonia

Blue ammonia can economically decarbonize the fertilizer industry, using low-cost natural gas; with options to decarbonize combustion fuels in the future. This report covers where we see the best opportunities,…

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