Ethanol from corn: the economics?

Ethanol from corn economics

…Corn prices are the crucial input. Finally, recent industry data are tabulated, showing how the US diverts c40% of its corn crop into biofuels rather than food and feed (below)….

Palm oil: what CO2 intensity?

CO2 intensity of palm oil

Global palm oil production is running at 80MTpa in 2022, for use in food products, HPC products and bio-fuels. CO2 intensity of palm oil is assessed in this short note…

Inflation in the energy transition?

Inflation created by energy transition

…per $100/ton of CO2 abatement costs. Aggregate price levels might rise by 6% per $100/ton of CO2 abatement costs. New energies costs rise by 6-30%. Mobility and food rise by…

Ammonia: production costs and energy economics?

Ammonia production costs

…in regions where ammonia prices are crucial to food security. Ammonia can be used as a fuel, although we would note challenging combustion characteristics. Please download this data-file to stress…

CO2 emissions per hour of activity?

CO2 emissions per hour of activity

…a good yardstick for segmenting higher- and lower-carbon activities on the chart above. (4) Food choices have a surprisingly large impact (blue bars above), from <1 kg CO2e for a…

Sustainable forestry: a new listed entity?

Public company forest carbon

…the asset by 2-3x over an 8-10 year time horizon” (chart below). The rationale also fits within changes in the food system (note below). Pipeline. The company has…

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