Search Results for: small scale LNG

Coal power generation: minute-by-minute flexibility?

…a case study for the flexibility of large-scale coal generation, we have evaluated this coal plant’s output, every 5-minutes over 2023 (105,000 data-points!), using data from AEMO. Average utilization for…

US gas pipeline capex over time?

US pipeline capex spending from 1996 out to 2050. We expect spending to increase greatly, much of it from new CO2 pipelines.

…per line. However, the main gas transmission network consists of 30 x large lines each running 2,000 – 15,000 miles. GTpa scale CCS in the US could continue leaning on…

Global power price volatility tracker?

Volatility of power prices from 2013 to 2023. 2021 was the peak year but volatility has still trebled from $20/MWH in 2013 to $65/MWH in 2023.

…trading and marketing, grid-scale batteries, some biofuels and biogas. But how much is global power price volatility actually rising? You can drown in data, trying to answer this question! Hence…

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