Search Results for: agricultural food

Lost in the Forest?

co2 sequestered by forests

…land-based biological CO2 removal to lower future atmospheric CO2 concentration. Carbon Management 1(1), 145–160. Lewandrowski, J., Peters, M. & Jones, C. (2004). Economics of Sequestering Carbon in the U.S. Agricultural

Polyester: production process?

…used as textile fiber. And another 30MTpa is used as a plastic packaging material, e.g., for water bottles and clam-shell food containers. Note that our database of global plastic production…

Vapor deposition: leading companies?

Leading vapor deposition companies by their revenue in 2023 and exposure to the PVD/CVD market.

…for hardened metals, cutting tools, insulated glass and aluminized food packaging. We figured that we needed to compile this screen after reviewing LONGi‘s patents in early-2024. The technology underpinning HJTs…

Verbio: bio-energy technology review?

Verbio technology review

…possibly also due to food shortages. Numerically, the largest focus in Verbio’s patents was into metathesis catalysts (chart above), which is the rupturing and re-forming of C-C or C=C bonds,…

Sugar production: the economics?

…the world’s 28bn gallons pa of bioethanol, or around 0.6Mbpd of biofuels; and as a sweetener across the world’s food system, with Western adults typically consuming 60-80 grams of added…

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