Search Results for: oxygen

Nexwafe: PV silicon breakthrough?

Nexwafe technology review

…patent library shows how the resulting wafer can have 98% lower levels of oxygen impurities, and 4-5x narrower distributions of dopant distributions. 1.1% total efficiency gains are also targeted through…

Costs of hydrogen from coal gasification?

Costs of hydrogen from coal gasification

…cart SynGas is a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and CO2 that is produced by heating coal to around 1,400ºC in an oxygen-limited reactor. The process goes back to 1792,…

Membrane Technology and Research: CCS breakthrough?

Membrane Technology and Research

…natural gas, Powder River Basin coal and Eastern Bituminous coal. No burner modifications were required. Air sweep ranged from 500-2,300 lbs/hr. Oxygen in the boiler was 17-21%. Capture rates reached…

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