Bio-engineer plants to absorb more CO2?

Bio-engineer plants to absorb more CO2?

…cropland requirements will be helpful. Sequestering more of the CO2. 50-95% of the carbon that is stored in natural eco-systems is not stored in biomass above ground, but in…

Biochar: burnt offerings?

Biochar in energy transition

Biochar is a miraculous material, improving soils, enhancing agricultural yields and avoiding 1.4kg of net CO2 emissions per kg of waste biomass (that would otherwise have decomposed). IRRs surpass 20%…

Seaweed aquaculture: farming kelp and CO2?

Costs of seaweed aquaculture

This data-file captures the economics of ocean carbon sequestration using seaweeds and kelps, which tend to generate 20T of dry biomass per acre per year, of which c10% is naturally…

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