Solar: energy payback and embedded energy?

Energy payback of solar

…40% by embedded energy. Another 10kg of material is contained in the balance of project, across inverters, wiring, structural supports, other electronics. Thus the energy embedded in manufacturing the panel…

Solar capacity: growth through 2030 and 2050?

Solar capacity growth

…by 2030 and 5x by 2040. But this creates bottlenecks, including for seven materials; and requires >$1trn pa of additional power grid capex plus $1trn pa of power electronics capex….

Electrification: the rings of power?

Electrification in the energy transition

…of total useful energy today to 60% by 2050. Within the next decade, this adds $2trn to the enterprise value of capital goods companies in power grids and power electronics….

Goldwind: frequency response from wind turbines?

Goldwind frequency response

…the solutions are software-side, which will lower their implementation cost, and not pull too hard on already-bottlenecked power electronics. However, as usual, we find it harder to de-risk algorithm-heavy patents….

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