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Search results for: “climate model”

  • Palm oil: what CO2 intensity?

    Palm oil: what CO2 intensity?

    Global palm oil production runs at 80MTpa, for food, HPC and bio-fuels. Carbon intensity is 1.2 tons CO2e per ton of crude palm oil, excluding land use impacts, and 8.0 tons/ton on a global basis including land use impacts. This means once a bio-fuel has more than c35% palm oil in its feedstock, it is…

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  • Albemarle: lithium, bromine, catalyst improvements?

    Albemarle: lithium, bromine, catalyst improvements?

    Albemarle is a specialty chemicals company.ย  Our patent screen de-risks incremental improvements in novel fire-proofing bromine compositions, further and better lithium pathways, and longer-lasting catalysts for cleaner fuels. Overall we think 70% of the patents are for technologies that will advance the energy transition in some way.

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  • Cyanide production: the economics?

    Cyanide production: the economics?

    Hydrogen cyanide is a chemical intermediate, used for making perspex, nylon-6,6 and sodium cyanide, which in turn is a crucial chemical for extracting gold and silver from precious metal ores. Marginal costs are usually $1,500-1,650/ton and CO2 intensities are 2-3 tons/ton.

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  • Froth flotation: the economics?

    Froth flotation: the economics?

    The costs of froth flotation are aggregated in this data-file, building up the typical capex costs (in $/Tpa), energy costs (in kWh/ton) and other opex lines (in $/ton) of one of the most important processes for the modern metals and materials industry. A good rule of thumb is $10/ton costs to concentrate a material by…

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  • Heating-melting: how much energy is needed?

    Heating-melting: how much energy is needed?

    How do we quantify the minimum energy needed to heat materials and melt materials? This data-file calculates values, in kWh/ton, from first principles, based on target temperatures, specific heat capacities and latent heat capacities. A good rule of thumb is 25 kWh of useful energy to heat each ton of material by each 100ยบC.

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  • Agilyx: plastic recycling breakthrough?

    Agilyx: plastic recycling breakthrough?

    This data-file is a review of Agilyx’s plastic recycling technology, after assessing the company’s patents on our usual framework. We conclude that Agilyx has developed a novel and data-driven process, to remove challenging contaminants from feedstocks. Although it may involve higher complexity, higher reagent opex, and some challenges cannot entirely be de-risked from the patents.

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  • Energy costs of energy transition?

    Energy costs of energy transition?

    Reaching net zero requires building wind, solar, grid infrastructure, energy storage, EVs and capturing CO2. Thus the total energy costs of energy transition reach 1% of total global primary energy in 2025, 2% in 2030, 4% in 2040 and 6.5% in 2050. Energy transition is materially easier to achieve from a period of energy surplus.

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  • Ethylene vinyl acetate: production costs?

    Ethylene vinyl acetate: production costs?

    Ethylene vinyl acetate is produced by reacting ethylene with vinyl acetate monomer. This data-file estimates production costs, with a marginal cost between $1,500-2,000/ton, and a total embedded CO2 intensity of 3.0 tons/ton. EVA comprises 5% of the mass of a solar panel and could be an important solar bottleneck.

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  • Bioleaching: case studies and examples?

    Bioleaching: case studies and examples?

    Bioleaching uses bacteria to metabolize insoluble sulfides and iron complexes. It produces 20% of the world’s copper; with 50% lower capex, at least 50% less CO2 and up to 80-90% recoveries; but it is currently limited to specific mineralogies. A prospect for the 2020s is that new technologies may unlock more minerals.

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  • NET Power: gas-fired power with inherent CO2 capture?

    NET Power: gas-fired power with inherent CO2 capture?

    Our NET Power technology review shows over ten years of progress, refining the design of efficient power generation cycles using CO2 as the working fluid. The patents show a moat around several aspects of the technology. And six challenges at varying stages of de-risking.

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