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Search results for: “companies”

  • Lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles: what challenges?

    Lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles: what challenges?

    This data-file tabulates the greatest challenges for lithium ion batteries in electric vehicles, which have been cited in 2020’s patent literature. Conclusions are spelled out in detail, covering energy density, “million mile” longevity and electric semi-trucks. Companies profiled include Tesla, CATL, LG, Sumitomo, et al.

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  • Floating offshore wind: what challenges?

    Floating offshore wind: what challenges?

    This data-file ranks the greatest challenges for the floating offshore wind industry, by reviewing 50 recent patents, filed by leading companies. The challenges are relatively immutable. They likely double capex and levelized costs, compared with traditional offshore wind.

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  • HVDC power transmission: the economics?

    HVDC power transmission: the economics?

    This model captures the economics of transporting electricity (e.g., wind and solar), over vast distances, using high voltage direct current power cables (HVDCs). Our base case shows a 3-10c/kWh transportation spread is required to earn a 10% levered IRR on 1,000-mile cable.

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  • Greenhouse gas: use CO2 in agriculture?

    Greenhouse gas: use CO2 in agriculture?

    Enhancing CO2 in greenhouses can improve yields by c30%. It costs $4-60/ton to supply this CO2, while $100-500/ton of value is unlocked. The challenge is scale, limited to 50MTpa globally. Around 50Tpa of CO2 is supplied to each acre of greenhouses. But only c10% is sequestered.

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  • Smart Energy: technology leaders?

    Smart Energy: technology leaders?

    Smart meters and smart devices are capable of transmitting and receiving real-time consumption data and instructions. This data-file tracks 40 leading companies, mostly at the venture and growth stages. They help lower demand, smooth grid volatility and encourage appliance upgrades.

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  • UK grid volatility as renewables gain share?

    UK grid volatility as renewables gain share?

    This data-file contains the output from some enormous data-pulls, evaluating UK grid power generation by source, its volatility, and the relationship to hourly traded power prices. We conclude the grid is growing more expensive and volatile, with the increasing share of wind.

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  • Solid oxide fuel cells: what challenges?

    Solid oxide fuel cells: what challenges?

    This data-file reviews fifty patents into solid oxide fuel cells, filed by leading companies in 2020. The key focus areas are improving the longevity and efficiency of SOFCs. But unfortunately, we find many of the proposed solutions are likely to increase end costs. Potential is interesting, but deflation may take longer.

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  • Ten Themes for Energy in 2021?

    Ten Themes for Energy in 2021?

    This note outlines our top ten themes for 2021. We fear Energy Transition will continue building into an investment bubble. But also appearing on the horizon this year are three triggers to burst the bubble. We continue to prefer non-obvious opportunities in the transition.

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  • Enhanced geothermal: technology challenges?

    Enhanced geothermal: technology challenges?

    This data-file tabulates the greatest challenges and focus areas for harnessing deep geothermal energy, based on reviewing 30 recent patents from 20 companies in the space. We conclude that recent advances from the unconventional oil and gas industry are going to be a crucial enabler.

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  • Proton exchange membrane fuel cells: what challenges?

    Proton exchange membrane fuel cells: what challenges?

    This data-file reviews fifty patents into proton exchange membrane fuel cells, filed by leading companies in the space in 2020, in order to understand the key challenges the industry is striving to overcome. The key focus areas are controlling temperature, humidity and longevity, but unfortunately this will tend to increase costs.

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Energy Units — An Overview

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