Search Results for: electronic electronics

DC-DC power converters: efficiency calculations?

DC-DC power converters efficiency

…power converters’ electrical efficiency, which will typically be around 95%. Losses are higher at low loads. We think there will be upside for increasingly high-quality and efficient power electronics as…

Silicon carbide: production costs?

Silicon carbide production costs

This data-file captures silicon carbide production costs: spanning from materials grade SiC ($1,500/ton marginal cost, 5 tons/ton CO2 intensity) through to SiC wafers that are used in the electronics industry…

Data-centers: electricity use and demand shifting?

Data-centers shift electricity demand

electronics. Hyperscale data centers tend to have >5000 servers, >50MW power demand and >10,000 square feet areas. There might be around 600 globally, out of 6,000 total data-centers globally, as…

Power cuts: how frequent are grid disruptions?

Are US power cuts becoming more frequent data by disruption cause and duration

…Finally it illustrates the need for smart grid and power electronics technologies. Our cleaned-up interpretation of the raw data, some analytics, averages, and charts are available in the data-file. The…

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