The future of offshore: fully subsea?

Fully Subsea Solutions

…best-placed operators and service providers, versus others that will be disrupted. Overall, the theme supports the ascent of low-carbon natural gas, which should treble in the energy mix by 2050….

Coal industry CO2 per ton

CO2 emissions from coal mining

…contents. The conclusion is that domestic coal production will tend to emit 2x more CO2 than domestic natural gas production, in addition to coal combustion emitting around 2x more CO2…

Solar water heaters: the economics?

Economics of rooftop solar water heaters

…of electrical/gas power (determining how competitive solar water heaters are with other heating methods). Under our base case estimates, it would require a CO2 price of around $130/ton, to incentivize…

District heating: the economics?

Annual economics of a district heating project with cash flow per household and the distribution of heating cost to maintenance, income, tax, etc.

…data-file models generalized economics, based on the capital costs to pipe heat to each household, gas prices, heat consumption and efficiency factors. You can flex these variables in the model….

Nuclear Power Project Economics

costs of nuclear power

…have included high capex costs and long construction cycles. This means that a CO2 price of $270/ton is required before new nuclear projects would outcompete new gas projects, on an…

Labor intensity of different energy sources?

Labor intensity of different energy sources

How many jobs are created by different types of energy? This data-file aggregates the labor intensity of different energy sources: wind, solar, oil, gas, coal and nuclear, based on data…

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