Search Results for: hydrogen economics

Global average temperature data?

Global average surface temperatures

…Data here: Temperatures are measured at each of these sites noted above. However GAST indices do not take raw temperature data as their inputs. First, absolute temperatures vary markedly…

Mangrove restoration: what costs for carbon offsets?

Costs of mangrove restoration

This data-file calculates the economics of carbon-offsetting via mangrove restoration projects, including a full breakdown of costs. This matters as mangroves are a crucial blue carbon eco-system. $499.00 – Purchase Checkout Added…

Wooden wind turbines?

wooden wind turbines

…in capex confers a 10% reduction in levelized cost of electricity, all else equal. The tower supporting the blades and nacelle explains c$300/kW of the cost, of which $60/kW…

One hundred years of carbon offsetting?

CO2 uptake per century

…project. Total CCS or DAC costs will likely range from $70-200/ton, which is generally higher than nature based solutions. Simple reforestation comes next, expected to sequester 200 tons of…

Seaweed aquaculture: farming kelp and CO2?

Costs of seaweed aquaculture

This data-file captures the economics of ocean carbon sequestration using seaweeds and kelps, which tend to generate 20T of dry biomass per acre per year, of which c10% is naturally…

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