Search Results for: motors

LNG plant compression: gas drives vs electric motors?

Cost build-up of LNG refrigeration via gas drive, CCGT electric drive, and renewable electric drive.

This data-file compares the costs of refrigerant compression systems at LNG plants, across gas turbines, electric motors powered by CCGTs, or electric motors powered by renewable electricity. eLNG costs are…

Energy efficiency of motors and power generators?

Efficiency of motors and power generators

This data-file estimates the efficiency of electric motors and power generators, using specific examples and data-points. $199.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart This matters as there are around 50bn motors in…

Electric vehicles: motors and magnets?

Electric vehicle magnets

…are tabulated in the data-file. $449.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to cart Electric vehicle motors produce torque as magnets in their rotors try to align with rotating magnetic fields that are created…

Vehicles: energy transition conclusions?

Vehicles energy transition research

…game changer for light-vehicles, with 3-5x greater fuel economy than combustion vehicles (database here), due to inexorable thermodynamic differences between electric motors and heat engines (overview note here). (2) Electric…

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