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Search results for: “renewables”

  • SolarEdge: solar-electronics breakthrough?

    SolarEdge: solar-electronics breakthrough?

    SolarEdge specializes in the power-electronics needed to use solar energy in practical power systems. Our patent review finds a good, but broad array of incremental improvements. They suggest a vast future market in solar-battery energy systems.

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  • California curtailment: key numbers from 2021?

    California curtailment: key numbers from 2021?

    This data-file tracks curtailment of wind and solar assets in California. c25% of California’s total grid demand in 2021 was met by wind and solar. On average, 0.4% of the wind and 4% of the gross solar generation were curtailed throughout the year. But the data are highly variable.

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  • Power transmission: raising electrical potential?

    Power transmission: raising electrical potential?

    Electricity transmission matters in the energy transition, integrating dispersed renewables over long distances to reach growing demand centers. This 15-page note argues future transmission needs will favor large HVDCs, costing 2-3c/kWh per 1,000km, which are materially lower-cost and more efficient than other alternatives.

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  • HVDC transmission: leading companies?

    HVDC transmission: leading companies?

    The global HVDC market is $10bn pa, and it might typically cost cโ‚ฌ100-600 M to connect a large and remote renewables project to the grid or run a small HVDC inter-connector. This data-file reviews the market leaders in HVDC, based on 5,500 patents. A dozen companies stand out, with c$40bn of combined revenues from power…

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  • World’s largest energy assets: by category and risk?

    World’s largest energy assets: by category and risk?

    The largest hydrocarbon mega-projects are still 10-25x larger than the world’s largest solar and offshore wind projects. Risks are different in each category. But on a risked basis, global energy supplies may come in c2% lower than base case forecasts

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  • Scope 4 emissions: avoided CO2 has value?

    Scope 4 emissions: avoided CO2 has value?

    Scope 4 CO2 reflects the CO2 avoided by an activity. This 11-page note argues the metric warrants more attention. It yields an โ€˜all of the aboveโ€™ approach to energy transition, shows where each investment dollar achieves most decarbonization and maximizes the impact of renewables.

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  • Supercapacitors: case studies for renewable-heavy grids?

    Supercapacitors: case studies for renewable-heavy grids?

    Supercapacitors are well suited to smoothing short-term volatility in increasingly renewables-heavy grids. Typical systems are 10kW-10MW, 1M chage-discharge cycles, 5-30 seconds storage and $30/kW costs. Expect the market to surprise to the upside, especially in combination with other power-electronics. Who benefits?

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  • Energy demand forecasts: making predictions about the future?

    Energy demand forecasts: making predictions about the future?

    How accurate are energy demand forecasts? Long-term forecasts for total global energy demand can easily be wrong by +/- 10%. Oil market forecasts tend to be amiss by 0.6% x the number of years away. Oil and coal seem to have been consistently under-estimated since 2020. Solar and wind were consistently underestimated in 2010-20, but…

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  • Decarbonizing global energy: the route to net zero?

    Decarbonizing global energy: the route to net zero?

    This 17-page report revisits our roadmap for the world to reach โ€˜net zeroโ€™ by 2050, after integrating over 1,000 pieces of research from 2019 through 2022. Our updated roadmap includes large upgrades for renewables and energy efficiency; less reliance on new energies breakthroughs; but most of all, simple, pragmatic progress is needed as bottlenecks and…

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  • Power grids: opportunities in the energy transition?

    Power grids: opportunities in the energy transition?

    Power grids move electricity from the point of generation to the point of use, while aiming to maximize the power quality, minimize costs and minimize losses. Broadly defined, global power grids and power electronics investment must step up 5x in the energy transition, from a $750bn pa market to over $3.5trn pa. But this theme…

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