US Shale: the second coming?
Future US shale productivity can still rise at a 5% CAGR to 2025, based on evaluating 300 technical papers from 2020. The latest improvements are discussed in this 12-page note,…
Future US shale productivity can still rise at a 5% CAGR to 2025, based on evaluating 300 technical papers from 2020. The latest improvements are discussed in this 12-page note,…
This model is a very simple breakdown of economics for in-basin sand production, around the US shale industry. We estimate the price that must be charged at the mine gate…
…26-pages) US Shale: No Country for Old Completion Designs (Aug-2019, 18-pages) Shale: upgrade to fiber? (July-2019, 25-pages) CO2-EOR in shale: the holy grail? (Aug-2019, online) Enhanced Oil Recovery in Shales:…
…an 8Mbpd shale scale-up. We do not believe Biden’s policies will block this shale ramp, but they may help its incentive costs re-inflate by c$5-15/bbl, particularly if Trump-era tax breaks…
…the leaders in shale technology, based on the patents and technical papers we have reviewed so far. However, the company is secretive over its intellectual property, notoriously banning camera-phones from…
The key challenge for the US shale industry is to continue improving productivity per well, as illustrated repeatedly in our research. Hence, this short note reviews an advance in fracturing…
…shale gas economic models, and most interestingly, whether an oil price pullback could pull harder on shale gas basins. Hence the note concludes by discussing what gas prices might be…
Next-generation technology in small-scale LNG has potential to reshape the global shipping-fuels industry. Especially after IMO 2020 sulphur regulations, LNG should compete with diesel. Opportunities in trucking and shale are…
…mechanism and economics are covered in detail in our deep-dive note, Shale-EOR, Container Class. But what is happening at the leading edge, as companies try to seize the opportunity? To…
…latter is best. Latency is a non-issue. This work suggests the best locations for AI data-centers and shapes the future of US shale, midstream and fiber-optics? $549.00 – Purchase Checkout Added to…