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Search results for: “shale”

  • Carbon capture and storage: research conclusions?

    Carbon capture and storage: research conclusions?

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) prevents CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Options include the amine process, blue hydrogen, novel combustion technologies and cutting edge sorbents and membranes. Total CCS costs range from $80-130/ton, while blue value chains seem to be accelerating rapidly in the US. This article summarizes the top conclusions from our carbon capture…

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  • Exploration capex: long-term spending from Oil Majors?

    Exploration capex: long-term spending from Oil Majors?

    This data-file tabulates the Oil Majors’ exploration capex from the mid-1990s, in billions of dollars ($bn pa) and in per-barrel terms (in $/boe). Exploration spending quadrupled from $1/boe in 1995-2005 to $4/boe in 2005-19, and has since collapsed like a warm Easter Egg. One cannot help wondering about another cycle?

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  • Can technology revive offshore oil?

    Can technology revive offshore oil?

    Can technology revive offshore and deep-water? This note outlines our ‘top twenty’ opportunities. They can double deep-water NPVs, add c4-5% to IRRs and improve oil price break-evens by $15-20/bbl.

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  • Ethylene vinyl acetate: production costs?

    Ethylene vinyl acetate: production costs?

    Ethylene vinyl acetate is produced by reacting ethylene with vinyl acetate monomer. This data-file estimates production costs, with a marginal cost between $1,500-2,000/ton, and a total embedded CO2 intensity of 3.0 tons/ton. EVA comprises 5% of the mass of a solar panel and could be an important solar bottleneck.

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  • Oil markets: more balanced than ever before?

    Oil markets: more balanced than ever before?

    Oil markets look more balanced than at any time in the past 5-years, suggesting prices will most likely move sideways. 2022 is seen -0.3Mbpd under-supplied. There is also an equal one-third chance of a surprise to both the upside and the downside, per our Monte Carlo analysis. Maintaining balance to 2025 is also possible.

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  • CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

    CO2 intensity of materials: an overview?

    This data-file tabulates the energy intensity and CO2 intensity of materials, in tons/ton of CO2, kWh/ton of electricity and kWh/ton of total energy use per ton of material. The build-ups are based on 160 economic models that we have constructed to date, and simply intended as a helpful summary reference. Our key conclusions on CO2…

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  • Energy Recovery Inc: pressure exchanger technology?

    Energy Recovery Inc: pressure exchanger technology?

    Pressure exchangers transfer energy from a high-pressure fluid stream to a low-pressure fluid stream, and can save up to 60% input energy. Energy Recovery Inc is a leading provider of pressure exchangers, especially for the desalination industry, and increasingly for refrigeration, air conditioners, heat pump and industrial applications. Our technology review finds a moat.

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  • Origen Carbon: DAC breakthrough?

    Origen Carbon: DAC breakthrough?

    Origen Carbon Solutions is developing a novel DAC technology, producing CaO sorbent via the oxy-fuelled calcining of limestone with no net CO2 emissions. It is similar to the NET Power cycle, but adapted for a limestone kiln. The concept is very interesting. Our base case costs are $200-300/ton of CO2. This data-file contains our Origen…

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  • Oil markets: rising volatility?

    Oil markets: rising volatility?

    Oil markets endure 4 major volatility events per year, with a magnitude of +/- 320kbpd, on average. Their net impact detracts -100kbpd. OPEC and shale have historically buffered out the volatility, so annual oil output is 70% less volatile than renewablesโ€™ output. This 10-page note explores the numbers and the changes that lie ahead?

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  • Midstream opportunities in the energy transition?

    Midstream opportunities in the energy transition?

    The midstream industry moves molecules, especially energy-molecules, and especially in pipelines. Despite the mega-trend of electrification, there are still strong midstream opportunities in the energy transition, backstopping volatility and moving new molecules. This short note captures our top ten conclusions. (1) Our overall outlook on the US midstream industry sees the total tonnage of molecules…

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