Search Results for: shale

Development Concepts: how much CO2?

CO2 intensity of steel and concrete

…used in their topsides, jackets, hulls, wells, SURF and pipelines.  Included are the world’s largest FPSOs, platforms and floating structures; as well as new resources in shale, deepwater-GoM, Guyana, pre-salt…

US E&Ps turn to ESG?

US E&Ps turn to ESG

Of the largest 15 shale E&Ps, the proportion with ESG slides in their quarterly presentations has exploded by 4.5x in the trailing twelve months, from 13% in 3Q18 to 60%…

Blockchain in the Oil & Gas Supply Chain

Blockchain examples in oil and gas

…company, Data Gumbo. c10% cost savings may be achieved for fragmented supply chains, such as US shale, by analogy to other digital procurement platforms we have evaluated in the past….

Hydraulic Fracturing: where’s the IP?

Hydraulic Fracturing IP

…at c3,900 per year. 2020 has slowed by 6%. But the headline figures mask a c36% correction in the US, masked by 33% expansion of Chinese shale ambitions. Remarkably, in…

Oil markets: the next up-cycle?

next oil industry up-cycle

…back fully from production cuts by mid-2021. Yet this year’s disruption to shale and across the wider industry will drain a further 2.5bn bbls from inventories by mid-2023. It takes…

Global energy: supply-demand model?

…in 2026-30 (model here) as OPEC and US shale (model here) offset decline rates elsewhere. LNG supplies rise from 400MTpa in 2023 to 660MTpa by 2030 (risked) but the increases…

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