Search Results for: small scale LNG

Solar costs: a breakdown over time?

…price databases. 60% of solar cost deflation in the past decade has come from the scale-up to mass manufacturing: as solar installations scaled up by 7x to well over 200GW…

Geothermal energy: costs and economics?

Geothermal energy costs are estimated at 10c/kWh for a leading enhanced geothermal project at large scale, reflecting capex, opex and capital costs for a 10% IRR

…the economics of the geothermal power projects we have tabulated is that they are all small-scale pilots, with an average size of just 4MWe. We plot a line of best…

Bioleaching: case studies and examples?

Bioleaching case studies

…over 20 examples. The first full-scale commercial success was 1982, with an acceleration in the 1990s. The median average size is small, at 20kTpa. But there are also world-scale operations…

Pumped hydro: generation profile?

Monthly charge, discharge, and the resulting net discharge for the Tumut 3 pumped hydro storage project. Data from 2021-2023.

…discharging, but small quantities of charging, such as May-2021 or November-2022, then we can see up to 40-hours of cumulative discharging. This is about 10x longer than a lithium ion…

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