Search Results for: volatility volatile

Green hydrogen: the economics?

costs of green hydrogen production

…inputs, with high second-by-second volatility. As a rule of thumb, a 5-10% annual degradation rate raises levelized cost by $1/kg. And our data-file aggregates results from technical papers to substantiate…

Desalination by reverse osmosis: the economics?

Costs and economics of desalination via reverse osmosis

…angle that excites over desalination costs is the possibility for demand shifting, as electricity is a major cost line, and desalination pumps can be run flexibly to backstop renewables’ volatility….

Wind power: decline rates?

…to 20. However, the data are highly variable, as shown by the examples plotted below. Volatility does matter for the costs of integrating renewables, the ultimate share of renewables and…

Smart Energy: technology leaders?

Smart energy systems

…We also tabulate their patent filings. We find most of the offerings will lower end energy demand (by an average of 7%), assist with smoothing grid-volatility, provide appliance-by-appliance demand disaggregations…

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