Search Results for: volatility volatile

Electrowinning: costs and energy economics?

Electrowinning costs and energy economics

…mining processes, which are increasingly important for energy transition. Interesting, we also think almost all of these mining technology can smooth our volatile power grids by demand shifting. We have…

Eaton: breakdown of revenues by product category?

Eaton revenue breakdown

…for power electronics, in order to integrate volatile wind and solar resources into grids, protect sensitive equipment and electrify more industrial and consumer processes. We have written excitedly about power…

Methane slip: how much gas evades combustion?

Methane slip

…the thermodynamics of the Brayton Cycle. Although slippage rates are higher when turbines first start up, or when they are throttled aggressively in volatile power grids. Gas heaters and boilers…

Hydrogen: overview and conclusions?

Hydrogen best opportunities?

…shift. Conversely, we are not even sure an electrolyser can run off of a volatile renewables input feed without incurring 5-10% pa degradation, or worse (if you read one TSE…

Air conditioning: energy consumption?

…air conditioning energy performance are through higher COPs, improved home insulation, and smart controls to optimize cooling. Efficiency gains are particularly helpful to smooth out increasingly volatile grids (best note…

Hydro power: generation by facility, availability over time?

…or down. For longer-duration renewables volatility, hydro may be a less effective backstop, however. Especially for solar. The availability factors of hydro follow a clear annual pattern, ranging from…

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